When we started The Comfy, we knew people were going to love it. Seriously, you go from simply living life to absolutely floating through it -- in a soft, fluffy, double-layered cloud might we add. Doing the dishes, writing an essay, filing taxes… not so bad when you’re in The Comfy.
So yeah, we knew humans would love it, but we had no idea that The Comfy would turn into a pet sensation! Dogs cannot get enough of their owners’ wearable blankets. On the daily, photos of canine Comfy takeovers are flooding our fan mail (ahem, Instagram DMs)! And yes, quite often they do look better in their person’s Comfy than their person…
What is it about The Comfy that hooks our happy pups? We’ve come up with three main reasons:
1. Fur on Fur Action.
The Comfy is the softest belonging in existence. It feels fluffier than the fur of a fresh, conditioned Pomeranian puppy. And no one appreciates a well-groomed coat more than a dog. When they’re snuggled up in The Comfy, they’re immediately transported back to their pup-fancy, curled up to the soft, warm fur of their mother.
2. The Comfy Smells Like You!
We don’t need to tell you there’s no greater loyalty than a dog to its owner. It’s the best thing ever. They just love us... No matter what! When you wear The Comfy around most of the day, every day (because why would you not), it’s bound to smell like you. Of course, your pup wants in on that action over all the other blankets you forgot about upon the arrival of your Comfy.
3. We Sense A Little Doggy Dress-Up...
As much as we’d like to think that every dog we see in a Comfy climbed in there on their own fruition, we sense the occasional howl-play. Pets are children. What did your parents do with you as a child? Make you wear clothes and then force you to stay still to take photos in said clothes. We understand that dogs look irresistible in The Comfy, and we don’t exactly blame you, owners, for doing it. Just be generous on the treats! And hey, if they’re like us, they’re going to be happy they have those photos to look back on when their whiskers gray.
Ok, we’re going to quit our yappin’ so you can get to the good stuff. Here are all of our favorite furry friends from over the years. Yes, we snuck a cat in there because we love cats too!