Meet Our Comfy Cares Superhero, Haley Moore

Meet Our Comfy Cares Superhero, Haley Moore - The Comfy

In honor of National Superhero Day, we’d like you to meet The Comfy’s hero, Haley Moore. Haley is not only a gifted professional golfer but a role model to millions for her work to end bullying everywhere. In fact, she started the Haley Moore Foundation to empower those struggling with the same issues she’s faced.   

As part of our Comfy Cares program, we are proud to sponsor Haley’s journey on and off the course. We got the chance to ask Haley a few questions about how she likes to #FeelTheHappy and here’s what she said:

  1. What inspired you to start The Haley Moore Foundation? Why are you passionate about anti-bullying?

As an LPGA Tour professional golfer, I felt it was important from day one to use my platform as a voice for those who are not being heard.  Bullying, particularly among our nation's youth, has reached epidemic levels and we need to do what we can to end all forms of bullying. My goal is to create programs that give bullied kids a pathway to pursue their dreams whether through sports, music, or the arts. I was bullied, as many athletes will also attest they have been. I want everyone to finally believe bullying is no longer a "rite of passage" to adulthood, and do whatever they can to help put an end to bullying once and for all.


  1. What tools do you use to cope with negativity and to boost your own personal confidence? In other words, what helps you #FeelTheHappy?

For me, it's really just a 180-degree shift in mindset. For a long time, every day started with a negative mindset around how I would deal with those people who didn't like me because I was different from them. But now that I have achieved some of my goals, I approach each day towards fulfilling new goals and raising the bar for myself even higher. How can you not "FeelTheHappy if you #DreamBelieveAchieve all your goals? 


  1. You are a hero to so many people. Who is your hero? What about them inspires you?

One hero of mine who I look up to is Annika Sorenstam. I watched her a lot when I was growing up. She hosted a junior invitational tournament that I was honored to be invited to.  As part of the tournament, she hosted a golf clinic where I learned a lot.  However, the one phrase that she said that has always stuck with me was “more than golf”. This has resonated with me throughout my rookie season because not every day is going to be your best round or not every week will be the result you wanted, but at the end of the day, life goes on… it’s more than golf. Every day is a new day, life will go on regardless of what you shoot on the golf course each day.  Golf is hard and you have to be able to balance out golf with other hobbies and activities.   


  1. What is the best piece of advice you have received? What is the one piece of advice, above all else, you wish to impart on others? 

A piece of advice I received was the phrase that I use for my foundation…If you Dream it and Believe it, you will Achieve it.  This is my #DreamBelieveAchieve hashtag that I use on my social media platforms.   Everything starts with a dream.  Once you have the dream, you have to work hard and believe that you can accomplish it.  Once you believe it, then and only then can you achieve it.  Without the belief, it will just be a dream.  My dream, since I was a little girl, was to play on the LPGA.  Each step of Q-School helped me validate that I could get through this and receive my LPGA card.  My dream was achieved in November of 2019 when I did receive my LPGA card.  It took a lot of hard work, commitment, dedication, and perseverance.


  1. And a fun one… If you were to play a round of golf with anyone in the world -- golfer or non-golfer, dead or alive -- who would it be?

Lorena Ochoa, Babe Zaharias, and Mickey Wright.  

Haley’s mantra Dream, Believe, Achieve motivates all of us at The Comfy. Her perseverance in continuing to reach her goals, and inspiring others as she does so, is what makes her an incredible role model. 

Want to learn more about Haley’s commitment to end bullying? 

Visit Haley Moore Foundation

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